Happy Creative Romance Month! I'm unclear on the celebratory traditions, so I've decided to use it as a personal challenge in my writing. Will the outcome be ridiculous? Very possibly. Will no one but my writing group be permitted to read the scenes? Almost assuredly.
I have never written a story that would fall squarely into Romance or any of its sub-genres. However, I like trying new formats and styles and themes. There are a few plot threads that I tend to repeat, and I'm trying to expand my comfort levels.
I'm always an advocate for trying, especially within your art. Something I have to remind myself of often is that not everything I create will be consumed by the public, so it is okay to attempt new things. An experimental piece of work, even a poor piece of work, is not the end of the world.
Holidays (offbeat, writing, and otherwise) to embrace this month:
February 02 - Ground Hog Day
February 05 - National Shower With a Friend Day
February 10 - Chinese New Year | Umbrella Day
February 13 - Mardi Gras | Fat Tuesday
February 14 - Ash Wednesday | Valentine's Day
February 26 - Tell a Fairy Tale Day | Carpe Diem Day
February 29 - Leap Day
Writer's block? Try this month's prompt!
